해외 네온 수업 정보

우리나라에선 공식적으로 네온을 배울수 있는 곳이 없어서 해외 사이트에서 한번 찾아봤다

친절하게도 한 사이트에서  모아서 설명해주어서 들어가보면서 내용 추가 했음….




Craig Kraft Studio http://home.craigkraftstudio.com/neon-workshops/ 

Neon/light workshops. Please check for new dates scheduled or email to be put on the email distribution list for workshops.

931 R Street, NW Washington, DC 20001

10am-4pm (6시간) 토일 (아마 2일*6시간 총12시간) / 400+변압기 비용,  수업외시간 사용료 25$/hr


Glass Studio | Brooklyn Glass http://www.brooklynglass.com/

Shine some light on your life with an Introduction to neon glass making. Learn the basic skills of heating and bending glass tubes and then illuminate your creations with noble gases such as neon and argon. Create individualized pieces while focusing on line and color. Enjoy this one of a kind experience that is sure to brighten your day.

103 – 14th Street Enter at 142 13th Street Brooklyn, NY 11215 Phone: 718-569-2110

여긴 유리관련 스튜디오  여러 강좌중 네온 강좌가 있음

주말 11am-4pm (10시간)  / 395+


Just Neon Sign Company Classes http://www.justneon.com/classes.html

Offers one-on-one training to insure an optimal learning environment. Each student will have their own fully equipped workstation and the supplies necessary to complete their project. No prior experience with glass is necessary.

409 James Street Utica, New York 13501

1day class 7시간 500$  / 3day class 1500$  / 6주 프로그램 5500 $ 여긴 저의 창업자 코스인듯


Krypton Neon http://neonshop.com/Classes/index.html

Become enlightened in the art of neon making. The weekend workshop is an introduction to the mysteries of making neon light. This hands-on and intensive experience will introduce you to designing, heating and bending glass tubing as a starting point for creating your own work of light.

526 46th Avenue Long Island City, NY 11101 USA

intro, intermediate class 각각 10am-5pm 주말에 2일 (14시간) 395$ 재료는 포함 기타 부자재는 구매 /


Lightwriters Neon Workshops (이젠 없어진듯)

Lightwriters Neon currently offers instruction in neon glass bending and construction. The workshops are presented primarily at our neon studio in Northbrook, Illinois. These Northbrook sessions are presented on a one-on-one basis and are tailored to meet the needs and time constraints of each student.


Neon Workshops http://www.lakich.com/neon%20workshop%20pages/neon_workshop2.htm

Learn to create your own neon sculpture or neon sign in only 8 weeks in this step-by-step, hands-on, results-oriented workshop taught by leading artist/ designer and founding director of the Museum of Neon Art Lili Lakich in her 5,000 sq. ft. studio in the Arts District of downtown Los Angeles.

8주 6pm~9pm (24시간)  450$ +100~200$ (재료비)



Noble Neon Classes http://nobleneon.com/service/

We also offer neon classes. Sections will cover the process of bending, cutting, welding and illuminating the neon tubes. You will also learn how to pump and bombard (to purify) the glass tubes in order to fill them with the noble gas.

416 Rainier Ave S\Seattle, WA 98144

자세한 정보 없음


Northwest Neon Instruction

Six week classes in Neon Sculpting.

정보 없음


Peterson Neon http://petersonneon.com/NeonClasses.html

Learn the basics of neon tube bending for sculptural projects. Students should expect to be “in the fires” the majority of the three hour sessions. Bombarding will be demonstrated, but not taught. Student projects will be bombarded after class, and can be picked up later the following week.

5일 2.5시간 (12.5시간)  350$ 재료비는 포함


The Crucible | Industrial Art Classes & Workshops in The Bay Area http://thecrucible.org/classes/departments/neon-light/

In depth exploration into the elements of neon and light to create fine sign design. You will learn advanced skills in manipulating hot glass tubing to create letters, shapes, and designs for 2D projects. This unique course also covers how to measure and create neon patterns and techniques for mounting and wiring finished neon.

특이하게  EL WIRE 에 관한 클라스도 있음

1260 7th St. Oakland, CA

Introduction to Neon (15hr, 435$) / Continuing Techniques in Neon (15hr, 400$) /Neon Sign Design (15hr,$435)




이제 네온산업은 사양길을 걷고 있는 추세여서 예전처럼 기술을 가르쳐 주는 곳이 많이 없다

한국의 경우도  교육기관이나 과정은 현재 전무한 상태….. (약 10여년전엔  전망밝은 분야라고 하여  신문기사도 날정도로  교육기관이나 관련업체가 많이 있었다고 한다.)

위의 교육기관들도 현업을 유지 하면서 주말이나 저녁에 일반인 을 대상으로 하는 취미 정도의 교육과정을 진행하고 있는 정도 이다

아 이거원 미국이나 영국으로 유학가야 하나…..


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